The UnWeaver's Nest
Elzanne Roos - Imaginal Therapist
All services and communication, email or otherwise, delivered by myself, Elzanne Roos, as well as information on this website are intended to assist you in identifying and navigating pathways on your journey of personal discovery. The services offered on this website are not a substitute for professional mental health care or medical care.
Terms of use
By making use of any of the products or services on this site you agree to the following.
You understand that the services you will be receiving from Elzanne Roos are not offered as a substitute for professional mental health care or medical care and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any mental health or medical conditions. You also understand that Elzanne Roos is not acting as a mental health counsellor or a medical professional.
Should you make use of any of the services offered on this website, you agree to disclose your medical history or previous incidence of mental illness to Elzanne Roos. Where applicable and upon request, you will ask for clearance from your medical or mental health professional before beginning to work with Elzanne Roos.
You understand and agree that you are fully responsible for your well-being during your sessions, and subsequently, including your choices and decisions.
You understand that this model of Imaginal Therapy and Depth Coaching is premised on a psycho-spiritual perspective. Within this model, there are core elements that include shamanic practices, breathwork; Image Work & Meditative States ,with Elzanne Roos's practice built on the philosophy of archetypal psychology.
You understand that all comments and ideas offered by Elzanne Roos are solely to aid you in achieving your personal evolution. You can give your informed consent, and hereby give such consent to Elzanne Roos to assist you in deepening your self-understanding and understand that results are not guaranteed.
You understand that Elzanne Roos will protect your information as confidential unless you state otherwise in writing. If you discuss child, elder abuse or neglect or threaten to harm yourself or someone else, you understand that necessary actions will be taken and your confidentiality agreement limited in this capacity. Furthermore, if Elzanne Roos is ordered by a court to provide information or to testify, she will do so to the extent the law requires.
You understand that the use of technology is not always secure and you accept the risks of confidentiality in the use of email, text, phone, and other communication technology.
You hereby release, waive, acquit and forever discharge Elzanne Roos, any agents, successors, assigns, personal representatives, executors, heirs and employees from every claim, suit action, demand or right to compensation for damages you may claim to have or that you may have to arise out of acts or omissions by you or by Elzanne Roos as a result of the advice given by Elzanne Roos or otherwise resulting from the professional relationship contemplated by this agreement.
You further declare and represent that no promise, inducement or agreement not expressed in this agreement has been made to you to sign this agreement. This agreement shall bind your heirs, executors, personal representatives, successors, assigns, and agents.
One-on-one session packages cancellation policy
No refunds, unless Elzanne Roos cancels a private session due to personal or unforeseen circumstances.
Elzanne Roos reserves the right to terminate a pre-booked package at any time with full refund to the client in this rare case.
Elzanne Roos offers a rescheduling for client cancellations upon receipt of 24 hours’ notice prior to the scheduled session.
If you cancel due to illness, acts of god or family emergency the session will be transferred to an alternative date.
Pre-paid packages; you have the right to withdraw from the remaining sessions at any time. If you are unhappy following the first session and notify Elzanne Roos of your intention to withdraw within seven days of the first session; in this case the rate of remaining sessions will be refunded. If you cancel your coaching agreement with Elzanne Roos after this time frame, no refunds are provided.
Where there is a genuine health, family or employment emergency, Elzanne Roos will work with the client to support an emergency withdrawal from the agreement with special conditions for refund, this will be mutually discussed and agreed upon with the client where such a genuine case does arise.
All payments are due as per coaching contract in full at the time of booking or at an adjusted rate for payment plan options.
Full payment is required at time of booking, unless otherrwise agreed with Elzanne Roos.
No refunds allowed once a package has been purchased.
When making purchase you are agreeing to these terms and conditions and any additional agreements made with Elzanne Roos or her team in external correspondence.